
Why Hack4Good?

Of all data in the history of humankind, 90% has been generated in the last few years. With sensors in smartphones and numerous other devices, satellites observing earth from space and social networks connecting billions of people there is ample opportunity to create data-driven solutions to our most relevant problems. However, many organisations that work on these important problems do not have the time, budget or staff to take full advantage of this wealth of data and most becoming data scientists do not realise just how valuable their skills can be to humanity. Hack4Good aims to fill this void by connecting tomorrow’s data scientists with the problems that truly matter today.

Is my organisation eligible to participate in Hack4Good?

If your organisation serves a social or environmental cause that benefits humanity, you are in principle eligible for participation in Hack4Good. We would be delighted to discuss a potential collaboration in your specific case. Simply shoot us an email and we will help you find out what possibilities there are for you:

What is the expected skill level of participants?

Participants are typically in their Master or PhD studies in a STEM field. They come from rich backgrounds spanning for instance Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Environmental sciences. All participating students are required to have taken courses in Data Analytics, Statistics or Machine Learning and are fluent in at least one programing language (typically Python).

What is the expected time commitment from participants?

Hack4Good is designed to allow participants to participate in parallel to their studies. The participants commit to 8 hours of project work per week for the 8 week duration of the program. In addition to this weekly commitment, they participate in two Hackathon-style days hosted on a weekend at ETH Zurich. The Hack-days are designed to accelerate their progress and momentum on the project.

How much time commitment is expected from participating organisations?

Participating organisations are expected to commit: – at least 1 representative for the Kick-off event (~3h), – 2h per week for communication with the students in the form of office hours – at least 1 representative at the Final event (~3h) – 1h for a follow-up and evaluation call three and six months after the program. This totals a commitment of about roughly 24h over the duration of the program.

Are participating organisations required to be within Switzerland?

No, all meetings for Hack4Good can be held online. That being said, from our experience so far, occasional in-person meetings between students and a representative of the organisation, allow for an enhanced level of cooperation and synergy.

What does participation in the program cost?

Participation in the Hack4Good program is free of charge for all participating organisations and students. Travel expenses for representatives of participating organisations are reimbursed by Hack4Good if they stay within reasonable bounds.

When does Hack4Good take place?

Usually, Hack4Good takes place every autumn semester.

How are participants being selected?

Participants for Hack4Good are selected by an application process that checks their motivation, personal drive and expertise in data science.

How big are the team sizes?

The students work in teams of 3 to 4 people per project.

How are teams formed?

Participants are grouped into teams of 3 to 4 people, taking into account project preferences and individual skills. Each team will be diverse in terms of academic disciplines, level of studies and previous experiences.

Where does Hack4Good take place?

Hack4Good takes place at the ETH Student Project House on the ETH Hönggerberg Campus in Zurich, Switzerland.

Who organises Hack4Good?When does Hack4Good take place?

Hack4Good is a an initiative by the Analytics Club at ETH with support from the ETH Student Project House. It is organised by a committee of volunteers from the Analytics Club at ETH.